Behavior Analysis during the Interview Process, 499 words essay example
The presentation of my story was an important selfevaluation tool and was something that I can definitely build upon. At the time of the actual video interview process, I was somewhat nervous of how I would portray myself and what choice of words I needed to use. Vocally, I felt that I was a bit stiff and should have done more to show a little more character and some tone changes to make my points more direct. My body language was fine for the most part, as I was not slouched over and sat in a comfortable yet presentable posture. The language that I used was adequate, yet I felt I had the tendency to be a bit repetitive with certain words or sentences. The feedback that was given to me definitely gave me a much needed reality check of how my video interview looked like to actual recruiters and representatives who see these kinds of interviews on a daily basis. The nonverbal feedback given to me amounted in a higher overall score than the verbal feedback that was given to me. Nonverbally, I maintained proper body language throughout the video, always made eye contact towards the camera, and kept background noise to a bare minimum. Verbally, I was told that I was monotone throughout the video (something I can attest to) and that I didnt do a good job of providing specific examples to the questions asked or staying on topic for the questions. There was some praise for tying my skills to the specific job description yet I was also told my responses were too general and needed some greater validation.
Looking back at the feedback for my video response, I felt that it definitely touched on all of the points that I need to work on effectively and it made me think of ways that these negative marks can be improved for the next time I engage in any kind of interview. I know for a fact that I cannot be monotone in any kinds of interviews because it will bore the interviewer and throw off my genuine interest in the position. At the same time, my responses to the questions that were given to me in this project and for any other future questions need to be more detailed and tied more to my experiences that are appropriate for the type of interview questions Im answering. Looking at how my story plays a big role in the future advancement of my career, there are many ways I can improve its contents. Trying to gain more personal connections and knowledge through externships and internships is one key addition to my story that will give me the necessary experience that I can further explain in any kind of interview process. Finally, any kind of job related to my major is obviously another chapter I can add to my story, as well as being involved in more community and volunteering projects with the professional organizations Im already in.
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