
Definitions of Big Data Essay

Definitions of Big Data, 498 words essay example

Essay Topic:definitions

Big Data
Definitions of Big Data
"Big data is a popular term used to describe the exponential growth, availability, and use of information, both structured and unstructured".
"Data, coming from everywhere sensors used to gather climate information, posts to social media sites, digital pictures and videos, purchase transaction record, and cell phone GPS signal to name a few".
"Big Data is defined as large set of data that is very unstructured and disorganized".
"Big data is a form of data that exceeds the processing capabilities of traditional database infrastructure or engines".
The above Big Data definitions can be viewed in the context of Smart City that links many areas of smart city like power, infrastructure, and transportation to improve the quality of life for the citizens. The sources of data are everywhere like smart phone, computers, sensors, cameras, GPS and even people. In the new era the applications like social media sites, digital pictures, videos, transactions, advertisements and many more. There are many uses of big data that will address the problems using data analytics and data mining. To store the Big Data and perform analysis on it, the Cloud is a suitable platform for active collaboration between different applications. This could help resolve the problems and challenges faced by the Smart City.
The Figure 2 shows the relationships between the Smart City Applications and the Big Data. Smart City applications generates large data and big data system uses the data to provide information to enhance smart cities applications. In addition, the big data will help the government to plan for any expansion in either smart city services, resources, or areas.
Smart City & Big Data Applications
The Big Data applications can be used in many different areas of a smart city. It gives the good customer experiences which helps the businesses and organizations to achieve better performance in terms of profit and market shares. Improve healthcare by improving preventive care services, diagnosis and treatment tools, healthcare records management and patient care. Transportation systems can enormously profit by huge information to upgrade route and schedules and being more environmentally friendly.
The infrastructure for information and communication technology (ICT) needs to be in place to deploy the Big Data applications. The ICT is a core factor and component in the development of smart cities because it provides unique solutions for the smart city applications. For example, it provides the planning for transportation by providing easy ways to handle their services from different fields/locations to reduce transportation costs. Other examples include providing better water management and improved waste management by applying innovations to effectively man-age these services. For example, waste management includes waste collection, disposal, recycling, and recovery, all of which can be efficiently managed using ICT solutions. More examples include new construction and structural methods for the health of buildings and better environment risk management safety and security air quality and pollution public health urban sprawl bio-diversity loss and energy efficiency. In general, a smart city can be made smarter when utilizing

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