
Introduction of solubility Essay

Introduction of solubility, 465 words essay example

Essay Topic:introduction

Introduction of solubility
A substance is soluble in a fluid if it dissolves in that fluid . The dissolve means that a substance is solid, liquid, or gas becomes part of the fluid . When a solid powdered lemonade is dissolved in water and becomes solution , solution is Homogenous mixture composed of solvent and solute , the molecules of solid are so mixed well together that they becomes diappear . This is a homogenous mixture . water becomes yellowish colour .but there is liguid only no solid particals appears . the substance that dissolved in water called solute ( powder lemonade as example ) , solute is are substances present in a solution in a small portions . and the fluid is called solvent , solvent is any substance found in the solution in a greate portion and made the solute dissole in it . and solute solvent mix together an becomes solution (liquid lemonade as example ). Water the most solvent be used and the excellent solvent ever . that's the reason for all living organism are made out of water . because Vitamins,proteins, sugars, and Oxygen all need in our body. Water can dissolve in all of them and break them up into very small particals . and to transport them to every cells.if we put too much powder of lemonade In a cup of water , if the amount of powder is too much great ,water will not able to dissolve all solid partical .its a certain amount of solute can dissolve in a certain amount of water in a room temperature. If the solute is dissolve in most solvent it called saturated solution .
Solubility important concept
I. Saturation
Has three tybes , saturated ,unsaturated and supersaturated .
Saturated if the solvent dissolve all solute and the solution becomes equilibrium
Unsaturated if more solute can added to the solution
Supersaturated if the solution hold more solute and dissolve certain amount and the other amount becomes crystals
Compound that form crystals with small amount of water (copper sulphate cuso4.5H2o ) for every mole of copper sulphate there are 5 mole of water, the atom arranged in a crystal lattice
Heat will decrease the water from the compound ,when anhydrous compound dissolve in water it will become hydrated again.
Factors affecting solubility
Solids are more soluble in high temperature of solvent when the heat increase the kinetic energy increase ,and allows the solvent molecules to effect the solute and break up its molecules , also increses vibration of the solute molecules made them less able to hold together , and becomes dissolved
Suger dissolve in a hot solvent , however gasses dissolve in a cold solvent CO2dissolved in acold soda better than warm soda.
Surface area
Large surface area gives opportunity for solute- solvent contact . Sugar powder dissolve in water faster than the cube of suger.decreasing the size particals increasing the rate of dissolving .

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