
Recreational Marijuana Essay

Recreational Marijuana, 497 words essay example

Essay Topic:marijuana

Recreational Marijuana
Did you know marijuana prohibition is entering the 78th year? By popular demand more and more states are making the purchase of marijuana legal. The most recent states to come aboard are Alaska, Colorado, Oregon and Washington. Before this states legalize the purchase of marijuana, this states had already reduced the penalties for possession and the use of small amounts of marijuana. Although Texas has not made recreational marijuana legal they have also reduced the penalties. Before, people who were found in possession of any amount of marijuana would be arrested and would be the beginning a criminal record, and they could also face up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $2,000. Now a person in possession of less than an ounce of marijuana is given a fine of up to $250, and offenders would no longer be arrested or subjected to a criminal record. Recreational use in Texas should be allowed.
The first reason for supporting recreational marijuana is that studies have shown, no matter how much marijuana you smoke, it will not kill you. According to a Steph Sherer, Executive Director of Americans for Safe Access said in a video interview that a study was made with rats were the rats were given 40,000 doses and the rats did not die. The only thing at occurred to the rats was that they slept for three days. She compered that study to having a person smoke 40,000 cigarettes of marijuana in one hour. There is no way a person can smoke that much in one hour but if that same person would same amount of alcohol, they would die of alcohol poison. I will not be the person that would smoke marijuana if it comes legal, but I will support any laws that would make it legal for others.
The second reason for supporting recreational marijuana is that I talked to a person who had smoke marijuana in his teenage years. He told me that smoked marijuana approximately three years. Then he decided to join the military and of course he had to stop. He told me it was not hard to stop after making that decision to join the military. He had a successful twenty years' career in the military. After leaving the military, he continued with college and earned his Bachelor's degree. My point here is that making recreational marijuana legal would not affect most people in a negative way. In the other hand a neighbor that drank alcohol for years has know passed away do to liver frailer.
In conclusion, if recreational marijuana would become legal it would decriminalize tens of thousands of citizens for marijuana possession. Science would be allowing to study the plant and will see how that plant will actually benefit or affect a person's body and mind. I can't imagine me smoking marijuana but as long as they allow alcohol to be legal or even smoking tobacco that is known to cause causes cancer, why not marijuana.

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