
Relevance In The Declaration Of Independence Essay

Relevance In The Declaration Of Independence, 500 words essay example

Essay Topic:declaration of independence

Relevance In The Declaration Of Independence
Time passes and things become irrelevant as the times change, and documents are no exception. The Declaration of Independence is still an extremely relevant document that will stay relevant for many years, and maybe even centuries, to come.
The Declaration of independence was written in 1776 to claim America's independence from England and the tyrant of a king. The declaration mentioned rights that were "unalienable" that were constantly ignored by the king. The colonist were tired of constantly being treated as criminals and not given the same rights as citizens in England, especially being taxed without representation in England to aid the colonist and speak on their behalf when taxes were being passed, which created the famous saying "no taxation without representation". Writing the Declaration of Independence the colonists knew the country that they needed and the freedoms their citizens deserved while living in the country founded by people who were constantly being ignored by the very people who should be helping them. The colonist were so far away from the king and legislatures it was as if they were already independent. The colonists needed to make their own type of government to keep everything in order and everyone can obey the law and punish those who don't. The colonist had to have everything imported to them and export their own goods in order to make money, so when the king and legislatures in England treated the colonists so horribly, there was a lot of animosity from the colonists.
The Declaration of Independence is a document that can be a blue print for other federal document (along with the constitution). The declaration can be a blueprint for other countries who want to claim their independence from tyranny like America did all that time ago. This document is an example for everyone on how a declaration of independence should be written. The document can help countries decide what they want to write and how to write it. The declaration can show any country how to claim their independence and how to state seriously that the reign of tyranny for them is over and state simply and firmly and intelligently they are now independent.
The Declaration of independence can also be used to help show the government exactly why the document was written so that they are never to stray from it and the values that the founding fathers held near dear as the government should presently. In order to keep our government in line, the constitution is not the only document to use. The Declaration of Independence speaks entirely on how people have rights that are only given by God and no man can take away in case any time in the government tries, in any way, shape or form, take away those God given rights we can bring out the two most important documents in American history, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. These two documents portray the values of America and its founding fathers.

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