
Security Issues during Confidential Data Uploading Essay

Security Issues during Confidential Data Uploading, 492 words essay example

Essay Topic:security

In case we need to move some confidential data as a flat file and that needs to be loaded. When the data is uploaded into the data warehouse, the following issues arise  What is the physical location of flat file for storage Who has access privilege to that disk space on which it is loaded? While backing up of these flat files, following are the concerns.  Do we backup in encrypted or decrypted form? Need to be made on special media that are stored away? Who will access privileges to these tapes? The other forms of data movement like query result sets also need to be addressed. The points while creating the temporary table are as follows  What is the temporary location of the temporary table How to make such table accessible? We should avoid the accidental breaking of security constraints. If a user with access to the restricted data can have a privilege to generate accessible temporary tables, data can be made visible to nonauthorized users and this will create security issue. We can overcome this problem by pushing to a separate temporary area for users with access to restricted data. This process needs full appreciation as it should not create bandwidth and capacity implications. The audit and security requirements that are needed by the solution are to be fully documented. This will form part of justification for the investment. This document can contain all the information gathered on It is advisable to create this documentation as a part of data ware house security policy document. The Trusted RDBMS might contain row labels and security clearance further to the normal functionality. Row labels allow each row to be classified and results data of different classifications can be stored in the same table. Security clearance applies to users and dictates which classification of data they are allowed to see. The trusted RDBMS automatically enforces the data restrictions, allowing a user to see only the data of their own clearance and below. It is imperative to go to trusted version of the RDBMS version and which in turn will run on the trusted Operating Systems. When we need to build system with high security, the cost will be also increasing in greater progression. It will require more processing power or foot print or both. These will be direct costs and needs maintenance cost also for the same. Views are a standard way of working in the RDBMS arena to get the data with the restrictions on data accessing. It creates a temporary table like space and in a way a stored query. The optimization of the query and handling the view of two SQL statements merged will be of complexity. The complexity will increase when new users are added. The views will impose a parse overhead when they are accessed by an SQL statement. Generally even though views are required to be used, they have performance overheads and usage should me at minimum.

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