
The depiction of Russian Revolution in Orwell's ‘Animal Farm’ Essay

The depiction of Russian Revolution in Orwell's ‘Animal Farm’, 499 words essay example

Essay Topic:animal farm,revolution

Mr. Jones the farmer is just like Czar Nicholas II. They both are terrible leaders. They both are also cruel. Mr. Jones treats his animals like they aren't worth anything. Czar Nicholas II treats his soldiers with disrespect and is extremely cruel to them.
Old major and Karl Marx are really smart and they have a few good things in common. Both of them started a new way of living in the government. Unfortunately both Old major and Karl Marx die before the Revolution.
The dogs and the KGB-Secret police. They aren't the police but they both enforce things when they are told, they protect who they are told to protect, and they often kill or intimidate any opponent that shows disobedience.
Boxer is strong, hard working horse, believes in animal farm. Gives his all, is betrayed by napoleon, who sells him. The communist supporters are just like boxer there were people who believed in them. Boxer was betrayed by napoleon and the communists supporters where betrayed by Stalin.
The animal farm revolution was supposed to make life better for everyone. What ended up happening was life ended up being worse in the end. The leaders of animal farm were bad at the beginning, but as the revolution was coming to an end, the leaders became even worse than before.
Onerof Orwell's goals in writing Animal Farm was to portray the Russian Revolution of 1917 as onerthat resulted in a government more oppressive, totalitarian, and deadly than the one it overthrew. Many of the characters and events of Orwell's novelrparallel those of the Russian Revolution In short, Manor Farm is a model of Russia, andrOld Major, Snowball, and Napoleon represent therdominant figures of the Russian Revolution.
Important Events- Czar Nicholas giving up his power then being murdered.r(animals against Jones)rDisagreements between Stalin and Trotsky.(Napoleon and Snowball) 3. Lenin Dies.r( Napoleon taking Snowballs ideas)r4.Starvation of millions of people who did not want to work for Stalin. (Hens starving to death for not producing eggs)r5. Secret Police coming into the picturer(dogs helping Napoleon search through the animals things)r6.Show Trials of Stalin ( death of 4 pigs, 3hens,goose and sheep.r7.Treaty to divide Germanyr( treaty with Pilkington)r
The book animal farm puts Trotsky,rLenin and Stalin in the form of animals. And describesrit as in the view of an animal on a farm. And howrthey overcome their troubles on the farmrcomparing those of the Russian Revolution.
The rise and fall ofrLenin by Stalin isrportrayedrin napoleon's actions toward Snowball. When though Leninrhad some good intentions towards the people oh Europe he was still slightlyrcorrupt and susceptible to being overthrew.
I believe that George Orwell wrote Animal Farm based on what was going on in Russia at the time. Some of the characters, events and places make Animal Farm a near duplicate of Stalin's Russian Communism. ... The characters in Animal Farm are very comparable too the people in Stalin's Russia. ... The rebellion from the novel significantly.

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