
The development of a purchase motivation Essay

The development of a purchase motivation, 490 words essay example

Essay Topic:motivation

a need in the consumer's attention so that he will develop a purchase motivation and will be much more inclined to considering buying their products.
Brookfield (1969) claimed that "decision makers operating in an environment base their decisions on the environment as they perceive it, not as it is". Perception is the process through which an individual interprets an information he receives and as a result, decides on what and how to react. Depending to his experiences, personal characteristics and beliefs, each individual has different perceptions from one another.
Baird, Leslie and McCabe (2009) agreed that perception acts as the basic source of our decisions and behaviors despite the influences of our outside environment. They argued that research and policy that fails to incorporate information on perception, may change the environment but not behavior because of not changing perception first.
In contrast to people with lower educational backgrounds, it is argued that better educated consumers feel more at ease when dealing with, and trusting on, new information (Homburg & Giering, 2001). Therefore, we can presume that educated consumers seek alternative facts about a particular retailer, different from their satisfaction level, whereas less educated consumers see satisfaction as a vital tool on which to base their buying decisions.
Beliefs and Attitude
Anthony Robbins (2012) defined belief as a conviction that an individual has on something which guides him in his way of life. Throughout one's existence, he has experiences in which he acquires his learning, and external influences which help him develop beliefs that influence his buying behavior. Attitudes allow a person to develop a comprehensible behavior against similar objects or ideas.
Beliefs as well as attitudes are generally rooted in a person's mind and are difficult to alter. For most people, beliefs are part of their whole being. However, it is important to understand, classify and analyze positive attitude and beliefs as well as negative ones that consumers have on a brand or a product. To change the brand's marketing message or modify its positioning in order to get consumers change their perception of a brand.
In the 2003 article of Harvard Business Review entitled The Customer Has Escaped, Nunes and Cespedes indicated that consumers fall into four major behavior-based categories
Typical buyers tend to buy from the same stores over and over again in the same manner High-value deal seekers know their own needs and channel surf a great deal before purchasing at the lowest possible price Shoppers who enjoy a variety of products gather information in many stations, take advantage of high-touch services, and then purchase in their favorite stores, regardless of whether the prices is the lowest available and High-involvement buyers gather information in all stations, make their purchase in low-cost channel (after adjusting for risk), but then benefit themselves of customer support from a high-touch channel.
These groups are considered as having no standing membership. A customer that reacts one way for a product may vary every purchase runs. He can sometimes be intent

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