
5 Myths about public hair Essay

5 Myths about public hair, 485 words essay example

Essay Topic:myths,public

Pubic hair protects against sexually transmitted diseases?
When we are talking about pubic hairs and maintain intimate area, there are different tastes. But decisions on the image and maintenance of intimate areas often depend on various stories and tips that are often not true.
These are the 5 most common myths about intimate hairstyles and pubic hair in women who should not believe
Myth no. 1 Pubic hairs protect against STDs
In fact, completely the opposite, intimate fibers, particularly if to engulf the entire pubic bone are the perfect place for the development of bacteria. Hairs contain a certain amount of moisture that makes them the perfect place for breeding and keeping of organisms of which some are causes of sexually transmitted diseases.
Myth no. 2 Pubic hair reduce sexual pleasure
Although some women remove pubic hair for maximum pleasure and to increase the feeling of the touching of their partner, others argue that their natural look is responsible for achieving orgasm. But when the phenomenon is observed by a scientific view, there are data that say that pubic hair is a kind way of excitement for men.
In fact, the sebaceous glands located under the skin produce an odorless substance that in combination with bacteria that develop between the fibers create pheromone hormones of sex, passion and a pleasure which members of the stronger sex are attracted like a magnet.
Myth no. 3 The color of pubic hairs is the same as the natural hair color
This is another old myth in which believes the majority of men. In fact, pubic hair does not have to be the same, or even similar to hair because it is a completely different structure of the fiber.
And although some women have differences in very small and barely noticeable differences in colors between pubic hair and hair, in others color of the pubic hair can be completely different from the hair. But the color of pubic hair can be likened to the color of one kind of female body hair - eyebrows.
Myth 4 Pubic hair grows fast as the hair
This unusual myth will certainly cheer up numerous women. Although we remove, unwanted hairs always returned to the "scene of the crime." If we leave them to grow naturally they will not grow indefinitely as hair, but when they will reach a certain length they will stop to grow.
Myth 5 Women with sensitive skin shouldn't shave their bikini area
Although it is a myth, in this argument there is some truth, at least when it comes to access. In fact, the intimate area itself is an area of sensitive and delicate skin, where every roughness can irritate. Women who have too sensitive skin can shave and maintain their pubic area, but most should be informed and prepared.
To avoid irritation and inflammation, it is important to choose quality foam or shaving cream that is mild to the skin, but also mild to the razor.

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