
Do the classroom processes vary in Public and Private Schools Essay

Do the classroom processes vary in Public and Private Schools, 488 words essay example

Essay Topic:private schools,public

According to the study conducted by the Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development data set, the researcher want to analyze the dataset based on their title research which is 'Do the Classroom Processes Vary by the Schools Type Which Is Public and Private Schools'. The aim of their study is to study the classroom processes and characteristics of the classroom by public and private schools. The result indicates that classroom processes do not vary significantly by school type. However, the size of the classroom is one of the factors that influence student opportunities to learn in class (O'Brien & Pianta, 2010).
Furthermore, an extensive review of the literature by Wang, Haertel, and Walberg (1993) described the important point of effective classroom management. The researchers have analyzed 86 chapters of annual research study, 44 chapter manual, and 20 government commissioned the report, and 11 journal articles to generate a list of 228 variables that affect student achievement. Analytical results were combined based on studies conducted with 134 separate discoveries by a meta-analysis. In conclusion, based on all the variables, classroom management has a great impact on student achievement.
This makes sense that students are not able to learn in chaos environment and poor class management. The research conducted previously indicated that the school environment is one of the effects that can have a significant impact on student achievement. It is consistent with the findings that show the existence of the school program, a reference library, classrooms comfortable and fast internet access provide a high impact on the academic performance of each student (Zappala, 2002). He marked that comfortable classrooms must have the quality elements which is daily study hours significantly contribute the academic performance of graduate students. Hence it is can be included in classroom management to develop a conducive and a good environment for teaching and learning as it can be contributed to the student's good achievement in their courses.
Walker & Mac Lauglin (1992) discover that students have demonstrated a much better attitude towards themselves more isolated in a classroom setting. The research studied about self-contained classroom placement versus resource room on the achievement of mildly mentally handicapped children. Then the objective of their research to examine the behavior and attitudes of special needs students in self-contained and resource room settings. It can be concluded that the good classroom settings give more impact towards better attitude in student during lesson session.
Teachers play variety of roles in the regular classroom but classroom management becomes one of the key factors to ensure that teaching and learning is effective to every student. If classroom management is not managed properly, it will interfere the teachers to carry out teaching and learning in class. Based on previous studies, the authors speculate that the management strategy of class rule, the composition of classrooms, teachers' movement in the classroom, and outside reinforcement system may be more likely used to set the event to enhance mutual positive

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