
Abortion controversy Essay

Abortion controversy, 495 words essay example

Essay Topic:abortion

Abortion controversy

Abortion is among the most controversial issues in todays society. Abortion is the early termination of a pregnancy before the baby becomes a human being. Two sides support for and against abortion  prochoice and prolifers. Abortion is justified because women have the right to do whatever with their bodies and any decisions made are totally her responsibility and choice. However, any woman who has an abortion is a murderer and does not respect the value of life.

A human embryo is a human being and the ethical significance states that it should possess the resources that foster development toward human maturity (Lee and George 13). What makes killing wrong is the loss to the victim of the victims future gains additional support when some of its implications are accessed (Marquis 4)

Abortion is the intention killing of an innocent being except that in some situations, intentional killing is morally wrong. Prochoice advocate that a woman right to make decisions involving her body, just as the government respects the individual right to privacy, it should not make a womans reproductive system subject to regulation. A fetus is part of a womans body because it is dependent on her survival in the womb. The US Supreme Court case of Roe vs. Wade in 1973 made it legal and expanded the right to abortion a womans choice

Traditions and religious scriptures suggest that life begins as soon as two people copulate. Much of the force fueling this view is that from religious traditions, gathering major values and virtues has happened throughout history. These traditions have a built in authority. (James Fieser) It came to belief over time that a human being is born after conception and the death of the fetus resembles the murder of an innocent soul. Therefore, in Christianity and Islam, an abortion after conception is sin.

Many pregnancies can have longterm negative psychological impacts on women. Pro choicer has the right to terminate her pregnancy if they are in state of financial problem because they speculate the unborn child will suffer from poverty and insufficient living conditions. It is only fair because the unwanted pregnancy may derail her education wise or career wise. This arguments criticism is that it is hard to evaluate accurately the level of psychological trauma the women might experience from the unwanted pregnancy. This justifies an abortion anytime a woman expresses worries about the longterm effects of siring a baby whether the worries are real or not.

There is also a liberal position towards the abortion issue where abortion is justified at some stages of the pregnancy when the mothers life is at risk and although the woman has exclusive rights to her body, the fetus attains personhood and the interest of the fetus taken into great consideration. Individualism overlooks the value of human ability and views human beings agonistically. It is a Godgiven gift to be pregnant hence let the baby grow and let life takes natures course of natural selection. 

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