
Computer security professionals challenges Essay

Computer security professionals challenges, 498 words essay example

Essay Topic:computer security,challenges

THE CHALLENGES THAT COMPUTER SECURITY PROFESSIONALS FACE ARE Current security advances and best practices are not powerful at anticipating complex, focused on assaults from being effective. A recent study by Symantec Research Labs identified 18 undisclosed security vulnerabilities that were used to target computer networks in the wild for up to 30 months before they were discovered. The consequences of missing these attacks can be significant, as demonstrated by the Shamoon malware that recently hit several companies in the oil and energy sector. We need new methods to compete with advanced attacks. We have to create strategies that focus on conduct of programming, frameworks and the behaviors of the attackers. Instead of looking for known attacks, we need to focus on the strange suspicious practices that we know and also connected with malicious actions. Distributed denial of service attacks are increasing day by day. Recently, the websites of a few vast U.S. financial firms were upset by a DDoS assault that surpassed 60 Gbps much bigger than the normal 5-10 Gbps attack. An ideal opportunity to get ready for a DDoS assault is not the day that one's site goes down. Firms that are compelling at securing their systems against these episodes have Assessed the danger of a few various types of DDoS assault situations well ahead of time created forms for reacting if one of those situations happens and have tried those procedures with genuine drills so as to guarantee that they fill in of course when required. When we move workload to cloud, we cannot see who could access the information, how they could access and from where they could access. The suppliers of cloud administrations and innovation let us know not to stress ourselves on that and they would provide security on the data over cloud. The insider threat is considered to be one of the high importance and low- risk, because it has become a challenge for the IT associations to create programs to achieve this risk. CYBER SECURITY IS NOT AS SIMPLE AS WE THINK IT IS With passing days the security threats have become hard to detect. And failing to block these threats has also increased. These days we don't only find financial frauds we also find national threats because of improper data security. We also find attacks in power grids, nuclear plants, operating of valves in water and gas atmosphere. Even if the computers are no connected to Internet they can still malicious commands to the industrial machines. In addition to these attacks, we find attacks in airport. For Example, power outrage at an airport can cause many problems, like data loss, loss of aircraft, radio transmission that is used for communication and many others. Cyber security is not as simple as we think it is. There are so many challenges that the computer security professionals face and security breach is not only associated with one department but these days it is with almost every department and can cause potential damage to everyone.

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