
Fundraising proposal summary structure Essay

Fundraising proposal summary structure, 481 words essay example

Essay Topic:summary,proposal,structure

IRC Proposal
DaVonte' Dowdell
I. Proposal Summary (Executive Summary)
The Proposal Summary should be about one paragraph and should include the amount of funding requested and give the most general description of the use that will be made of the funds.
The International Rescue Committee would like to ask you for 2.3 million dollars for our charities. 93% of that money will go towards services and programs, 2% fundraising, and 5% management etc. We will use the 93% of the money you give us to provide countries with shelter, aid, food, water , and education. Most of that will go towards aid and shelter because even though most of these kids have nowhere to do their studies they still need to survive. The International rescue Committee works in over 40 countries and 26 U.S. cities. "More than 3 million people inside Iraq have been uprooted by violent conflict since 2014.The International Rescue Committee is providing clean water, medicine, relief supplies, protection services and emergency financial assistance to the displaced as well as vulnerable locals",
This extra money would really help us with hiring extra workers to go to different countries, buy more natural resources for the camps, and provide a well balanced meals for the people who are elder and young and on the verge of death.
II. Organization Description and History
The Organization Description and History section should be 1 page in length and include the history of the organization, its structure, relevant experience and accomplishments of the organization, and an explanation of how the organization is an appropriate recipient of this grant.
The "IRC" has been around for many years. In 1933 the the International Relief Association (IRA) founded by the suggestion of Albert Einstein to help Germans suffering from Hitler and his army. They helped refugees from Mussolini's Italy and Franco's Spain. In 1940 the Emergency Rescue Committee (ERC) came together to aid European refugees trapped in Vichy France. More than 2,000 political, cultural, union and academic leaders were rescued in 13 months . In 1942 the IRA and ERC joined together to make the International Relief and Rescue Committee. Later on they shortened the name down to International rescue Committee (IRC).
the IRC in 1945 initiates emergency relief programs at the end of World War II. The program establishes hospitals and children's centers and starts refugee resettlement efforts in Europe. 1954, South Vietnam, the IRC starts a program to aid 1 million refugees after the defeat of the French by the North Vietnamese. The program developed a vast, "long range relief and resettlement effort for Indochinese refugees". 1962 IRC operations expand to Africa after 200,000 Angolans fled to Zaire. The IRC also sends aid to Chinese fleeing to Hong Kong from the mainland. Between 1963-1989 the IRC expands its services to many countries around the world. From helping women and children to moving out millions of refugees from country to country.The IRC has grown over the years raising billions of dollars and building several camps for refugees.

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