Stem cell Testing and Genetic Testing, 494 words essay example
Stem cell Testing and Genetic Testing
Computerized patientdrug databases and virtual drug trials The scientist and engineers at Harvards Wyss institute have engendered organsonachip, including the lungonachip and gutonachip.These minute devices contain human cells in a 3dimensional system that mimics human organs.The chip can be usedin lieu of animals in in vitro diseases research,drug testing, and toxicity testing.Researchers have also commenced utilizing 3D bioprinters to engender human cells for in vitro testing. Computer models Simulations(in silico) and Mathematical Modeling Specialized computer models and software programs help to design new medicines. Computer simulations are used to predict the various possible biological and toxic effects of a chemical or potential drug candidate without animal dissection.This is done by investigating test compounds on a molecular level utilizing recent advances in technological capabilities . Only the most promising molecules obtained from primary screening are utilized for in vivo studies. For example, to know the receptor binding site of a drug, in vivo studies is necessary. Computer Aided Drug Design (CADD) Software is utilized to identify the potential drug molecule receptor binding site . CADD help identify probable binding site and hence avoid testing of unwanted chemicals having no biological activity. Additionally, with the aid of such software programs we can tailor make a new drug for the specific binding site and then obtain confirmatory results in final stage via animal testing (Vedani, 1991). Hence,experimental animals involvement is reduced thereby achieving the objectives of Russel and Burches 3 Rs .Another popular tool is the Structure Activity Relationship (SARs) computer generated programs, which predicts the biological activity of a drug candidate predicated on the presence of chemical moieties attached to the parent compound. On the other hand, Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) ,a mathematical description of the relationship between physicochemical properties of a drug molecule and its pharmacological activity (Knight et al., 2006). The activities like drug carcinogenicity and mutagenicity are well predicted by the computer database. The recent QSAR software shows more specific results while predicting the carcinogenicity of any drug molecule. The advantages of computer models over conventional animal models are the speedy and relatively inexpensive procedures (Matthews and Contrera, 1998)
In vitro (test tube) test methods and models based on Cells and Tissue Cultures Involves humans being given very low quantities of a drug to test the effects on the body cells, without affecting the whole body system. Microdosing can replace the use of animals in drug screening and can minimize the use of animals used in safety and toxicity testing.
Noninvasive imaging techniques such as MRIs , CT Scans and positron emission tomography(PET),which allows in vivo scanning of the human brain and comparative epidemiological studies of human disease risk factors .
Microdosing Involves humans being given very low quantities of a drug to test it's effects on the body cells , without affecting the whole body system. Microdosing can however replace animal based preclinical drug screening ,ultimately minimizing animal involvement in safety and toxicity testing.
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