Biology Essay Essay Examples

Stem cell Testing and Genetic Testing

Stem cell Testing and Genetic Testing Computerized patientdrug databases and virtual drug trials The scientist and engineers at Harvards Wyss institute have engendered organsonachip, including the lungonachip and gutonachip.These minute devices...

The interaction between eyes and biochemical, hormonal, structural and metabolic processes of the body

detected from the changes in iris pattern and they are referred Arcus Lipoides (Arcus Senilis or Arcus Juvenilis). The Arcus senilis is a greyish arc or circle visible around the peripheral part of the cornea in older adults [10]. Lipid or...

The impact of genetics and environment on the personality development

As culture and society evolved, so have popular understandings of this debate. Recently the argument has become less black and white. Previously the argument was strictly if personalities were created by genetics or the environment around them, now...

The usage of molds and yeast in industry and sanitation. The potential threat of viruses

Yeast is fungi which predominantly develop in the from of unicellular element. It is difficult to draw a distinct line between mold and yeast. Molds grow at low temperatures, while the presence of some nutrients, such as blood, glucose, compounds...

Aquatic Ecosystem: Potential Threats

Competition among species plays an important role in ecological regulation. Interference (or contest) competition and exploitation (or scramble) competition. Interference competition occurs when the dominant species keeps its competition away from a...

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