
The influence of Big Five and learning styles on academic performance Essay

The influence of Big Five and learning styles on academic performance, 485 words essay example

Essay Topic:learning styles,influence,academic

Furthermore, the research conducted by Komarraju et al. (2011) states that the Big Five and learning styles have a joint influence on academic performance and that conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness are positively associated with the learning styles, that they facilitate learning strategies, especially conscientiousness, and that they predict academic performance.
From the Big Five personality test results (Appendix C), I am high in Agreeableness and moderate in Openness, Extraversion, and Conscientiousness and scored the lowest percentage in Neuroticism. The results are fairly consistent with the strengths test where I had high scores in kindness, forgiveness and fairness. However, it took me awhile to agree with the scores in both strengths analysis and the Big Five, where I scored lower in creativity and Openness, but upon reflection I discovered that I am not overly creative, but I do (Truity Psychometrics LLC, 2015a Truity Psychometrics LLC, 2015c).
The Big Five's personality traits are strongly correlated to some of Holland's RIASEC types, according to De Fruyt & Mervielde (1997)
Conscientiousness is strongly correlated with the Conventional type,
Agreeableness with the Social type,
Neuroticism is moderately correlated with the Realistic type, but only for males.
Extraversion and the Social and the Enterprising type
Openness with the Artistic type,
Only 'openness to ideas' from Openness aspect correlates with the Investigative scale.
On the other hand, Holland's realistic type is not strongly correlated with the Big Five and Costa et al. (1984) cited in De Fruyt & Mervielde (1997) suggest that it might be because it is a dimension not represented in the NEO Inventory.
In conducting the Holland RIASEC Career test (Appendix D), my profile is Conventional/ Organizer (Truity Psychometrics LLC, 2015b). However, based on the study undertaken by De Fruyt & Mervielde (1997) I should have been the Social type as I scored higher in Agreeableness and only moderate in Conscientiousness. But I do see myself as the organiser type with some aspects from Social type (friendly, helping others, trustworthy and solving other people's problems), as I need clear procedures and processes in place in order to work as efficiently and effectively as possible. I like to have everything labelled and in its place, so structured, clear tasks are essential for me in the workplace. However, I could live without routine and I welcome the unexpected as this will provide an opportunity for learning and development, but I cannot live without a clear structure in place.
Having completed the above tests, I can then plan for more specific and achievable goals. I need to first understand the strengths, weaknesses or what I need to work on and what opportunities are available for self-development. This analysis was done using the SWOT framework, which was created by Andrews, C. Roland Christensen and William D. around 1960s for organisations primarily, but it can also be used to analyse an individual's. Analysing yourself is one of the most difficult things, but it is very important in one's personal and professional development

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