
The influence of mass media on the perception of beauty Essay

The influence of mass media on the perception of beauty, 496 words essay example

Essay Topic:mass media,perception,influence,beauty

Mass media may it be in print, broadcast, or the Internet have become very powerful in influencing people's perception on certain standards like beauty. With the commercials seen on TV and advertisements printed on the newspaper, many people's concept of beauty is based on a person's physical looks instead of one's talents or qualities.
Usually, there's an increase on the sales of products or services endorsed by famous celebrities regardless if it is expensive or its quality not proven effective yet. As most people have shows either on TV or the Internet as their frequent hobby, what they regularly see has somehow influenced that values or behaviors of others.
For example, a child who sees lots of violence on TV might become quarrelsome at school since the child could have perceived violence as something acceptable. Teenagers might perceive engaging in a serious romantic relationship is okay and neglect their studies because this is the message of most afternoon and evening dramas.
As media is a very powerful means to send and receive messages, one should be careful on the kind of media to patronize so that one's belief system, values, and standards will not be compromised.
Politics (H2)
As information has become easily accessible using the Internet, even profiles and other intimate personal details about a public servant o leader gets leaked and shared on the Internet. While on a positive note, this piece of information could help citizens assess the kind of leader they should vote for, this could also violate one's right to privacy.
In the past, if people wanted to air dismay over a political or social issue that needs to be addressed, that could take many months to be resolved. With different media platforms available, ordinary citizens could use the social media to appeal to government authorities for problems in their locality like crime rates or road repair. With the media's power and influence, it allows ordinary citizen to express their complaints and get immediate attention, public support, and help.
During times of calamities, dissemination of useful information for disaster-preparedness can be uploaded on websites and shared on social media. Additionally, asking citizens to support relief operations for volunteers or donations become easier too as this can be presented as a commercial on TV.
Threats and Risks from the Abuse and Misuse of Media and Information (H1)
Article III of the 1987 Philippine Constitution is about the Bill of Rights. Specifically in Section 4 it says that, "No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press, or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances."
So what does this section mean? As a democratic country, all citizens are entitled to freedom of expression because that is our constitutional rights which the state ought to protect. With our freedom of expression, we are free to express our ideas and beliefs either through writing, speaking, or demonstration without any fear.

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