
What Is Atherosclerosis? Its risks and causes Essay

What Is Atherosclerosis? Its risks and causes, 493 words essay example

Essay Topic:risks

What Is Atherosclerosis? What Is the causes of that disease? Who Is at Risk for Atherosclerosis? All of these questions are more important to know because a human life is the moral of the study answers these question, or even explored may make the reasons clear to avoid those in which plaque builds up inside your arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to your heart and other parts of your body. Atherosclerosis can lead to heart attack, stroke, and heart failure if left untreated. Atherosclerosis is a fairly common problem associated with aging. This condition can be prevented via successful treatment options exist. Atherosclerosis often show symptoms with the passage of age, so you may observe the elderly and in some cases may see these symptoms at an early age. In medical opinion, there are several symptoms which may know that the patient has been subjected to disease, hardening of the arteries, and these symptoms come at particularly high rate of cholesterol, high blood pressure, and smoking.
Firstly, cholesterol is a waxy, yellow substance that is found naturally in your blood and also in certain foods eat. This substance can increase in your blood, and will caused damage to your heart as clog your arteries. The body uses cholesterol to produce many hormones, vitamin D, and the bile acids that help to digest fat. If a person has too much cholesterol in the bloodstream, the excess may be deposited in arteries including the coronary arteries of the heart. It is common to hear people say they have high cholesterol, but the issue is much deeper than that. Since fat does not dissolve in blood, our bodies create small packages called lipoproteins to act as carries. There are two types of the high cholesterol inside our bodies, or the lipoprotein responsible for this are low - density lipoprotein which moves cholesterol from the liver to other cells in the body, the second type is the high density lipoprotein which transfer the cholesterol from other cells in our bodies to the liver. According to the Lowering cholesterol despite the good news of an overall drop in the average total cholesterol level from 215 mg/dL, to 205 mg/dL an estimated 35 percent of Americans still need to lower their cholesterol to achieve a desirable level. Approximately 29 percent-or 25 million adults could lower their cholesterol effectively with dietary therapy, according to the report, about 7 percent, or 12,7 million, would require additional drug therapy to lower cholesterol. (Larkin, M. (1994). Lowering cholesterol.FDA Consumer, 28(2), 26. In general, the higher our lower-density lipoprotein (LDL) level more risks we factor we have. Some people are at high risk for heart attack because they have already heart disease however, all these kind of lipoprotein operates as an essential factor in the transfer of the proteins from the liver to the tissues to the cells, but it has a negative cause may lead to hardening the arteries in coming days in case of neglect.

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