
Xpresso Lube's service package Essay

Xpresso Lube's service package, 504 words essay example

Essay Topic:service

Describe Xpresso Lube's service package. Xpresso Lube's service package specialized in customized oil-changes Xpresso Lube noticed the lack of large and comfortable waiting areas and provided that option to their customers in a unique way, they provided the option of indoor and outdoor, when the weather permitted. Xpresso Lube provided a coffee bar along with other amenities such as carpeted floors music, current variety of reading material versus the traditional coffee in a mug and uncomfortable chairs next to a small tv with poor reception and outdated auto magazines. They gave them honest and convenient services which allowed customers to see their car problem alongside the technician and not get ripped off with having extra services done that they don't necessarily need done. Finally Xpresso Lube being located in a high traffic area such as a main street, and being near the University of Texas,while providing shuttle service to and from work for their customers and being near local shops has allowed them to provided their customers with a unique experience while their vehicles are being serviced.
How are the distinctive characteristics of a service operation illustrated by Xpresso Lube? Xpresso Lube illustrates its distinctive characteristics of a service operation by having unique services that are customized for their customers. Xpresso allows customers to see their car issues alongside an expert, the technician with their unique shop set up, having the lift instead of the pit. Customers can actually come into the service area and be shown what the problem is versus them taking the world of a mechanic who can't show them because of the safety concerns with a pit set up. Xpresso's services are customized and consumed instantly. Xpresso offers better waiting areas and amenities than other oil-change stations which leads to the customers being satisfied with their service and with the unique coffee house experience that's offered along with an oil-change..
What elements of Xpresso Lube's location contribute to its success?One element of Xpresso Lube's location that contributed to their success was their shops set up, they have a large waiting area that's also a coffee house. Another element is them being located on a main street, which positioned them into close walking distance to nearby stores and the University. Xpresso Lube serviced customers that worked so they provided shuttle service for their customers that transported them to and from work while their cars were being serviced. Lastly they were near the University of Texas which gave them different clientele.
Given the example of Xpresso Lube, what other services could be combined to "add value" for the customer? The most popular "add-value" service of today's culture is Loyalty Reward programs. This gives frequent/loyal customers special discounts and knowledge about any promotions and services that will be offered during a limited time only. It can also help Charlie keep up with customers and the service that they've had done on their vehicle. As well with helping Xpresso manage their scheduled appointments and send out reminders to their loyal customers.

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