
Advantages and possible pitfalls of sport activities Essay

Advantages and possible pitfalls of sport activities, 485 words essay example

Essay Topic:how to,physical activity,physical fitness,diabetes

1.1 Introduction
This chapter looks into the background study, followed by the statements of problem, the objectives of the study, the definitions of term, the significance of study and the limitation of study.
1.2 Background of the Study
Sport is the activities that have many advantages in promoting physical fitness and health condition to the people. Sport activities are not only for enjoyment but also give performers satisfaction and to improve their health condition. In previous research has shown that physical activity is an effective means of reducing anxiety and various indices of stress among adults (Bhui, 2002). In addition, sports such as soccer, basketball, squash and tennis may also improve and individual cardiovascular fitness. Thompson (2003) shows, there were evidence shows that exercise reduces the risk of other chronic diseases, including type two diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, depression, and cancer of the breast and colon. Eventhough the effects of an exercise might be small, the effect of continued, moderate exercise on overall cardiovascular risk, when combined with other lifestyle modifications can be dramatic (Dimmeler, 2003). The more participation in physical activities, the greater the potential of a person expose to the risk of an injury. This were more focuses to vigorous sports.
Sports activity has disadvantages if a person did not realize about safety, sports injury and its prevention knowledge while involve in physical activity. Actual injury and fear of injury can also be barriers to adopting a more active lifestyle for some adults (Finch et al. 2001). The injured players will have bad experience on previous injury and it might be the cause that might prevent them to involve again in physical activity in the future. If they have insufficient knowledge on safety, sport injuries and its prevention, it will promote them to become inactive person in the future.
Sport is the main cause of injury in adolescents (Abernethy & MacAuley, 2003). Injuries can be defined using multiple perspectives. For example, injury can be defined as damage to the body produces by energy exchanges that have relatively sudden discernible effects (Langley & Brenner, 2004). Another definition for injuries is a damage or harm to the body resulting in impairment or destruction of health specifically, any unintentional and intentional damage to the body resulting from acute exposure to thermal, mechanical, electrical, or chemical energy that exceeds a threshold of tolerance in the body or from the absence of such essentials as heat or oxygen (Society for the Advancement of Violence and Injury Research and Safe States Alliance, 2005).
It is important for a person know how to prevent injury. It is whether the initial impact or long-term outcome of involvement in sports. Injury prevention generally focuses on modifiable risk factors extrinsic factors, such as equipment, playing surface, rule changes and playing time, or instrinsic factors, such as fitness, flexibiity and balance. However, without correct basic and knowledge for prevention and sports injury techniques, sports injury likely to abate the original benefits associated to the sports activity.

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