
Reasons for becoming a vegetarian Essay

Reasons for becoming a vegetarian, 495 words essay example

Essay Topic:animal,diabetes,animals,albert einstein

These days the number of people becoming a vegetarian is growing. According to Heinrich Boll Foundation and the 2014 Meat Atlas of the Friends of the Earth and the, just a small percentage of the population on the world defined as vegetarians, which is nearly of half of billion, precisely 375 million (http//magazine.expo2015.org/). For example the famous vegetarians are Brad Pitt, Henry Ford, Albert Einstein and father of vegetarian from 1800 is Pythagoras. There are several reasons why people become vegetarians. First of all, people believe that meat can be unclean and might give disease. In order to produce more meats animals are injected with hormones and steroids and another drug. All of these injections spoil the meat, and it becomes the disease for a health of human. So these effects can be the cause of cancer for health and people go for vegetarian to avoid these diseases. In contrast, Harvard researchers show that daily meateaters have approximately three times of illnesses compared to those who eats meat rarely. The American Dietetic Association (ADA) concur that a vegetarian and vegan diet is healthier than one that meateaters. They conclude that vegetarians have lower body mass, lower rates of death from heart disease and lower rates of hypertension and absence of any types of cancer and less prostate.

The personal culture and religion can be the reason for the choice of vegetarian diet. For instance, the Hinduism religion in India requires to do not eat meat, because the eating beef is forbidden, also the killing the cows will consider as a sin in their life. Hindus believe and pray for a cow. One cow considers in a different perspective. Rest of the world thinks that cow is like meat, for Hindus cow is like saintly.

Despite that fact that just a beef is forbidden, also Hinduism require going to vegetarian diet. People compelled to become a vegetarian. As a result, the 70 % of all vegetarians are from India and there are more vegetarians in India than other countries. Also, Taoists believe that if people eat meat they can transform on animal depending in karma level. It means that if people eat the meat of animals, also considered as eating people. However in Muslim religion the pork is also prohibited to eat, but it is not requiring becoming a vegetarian. It means the personal culture also impacts.

A vegetarian diet has several advantages. Firstly, the less risk of heart diseases and obesity since meat contains cholesterol. To deny from meat allow avoiding a lot of diseases such as cancers, diabetes and heart disease etc. Secondly, vegetables have enough vitamins as a meat. Plants produce 10 times more protein than meat per acre (Cox, Peter. 2002). The lastly advantage is the better mood. According to the researchers, they split three groups of diet vegetarian, only fish and allowed all meat and they found that after two week, the people on a vegetarian diet will have more mood improvements than other two. 

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