circle Essay Examples

How should classrooms be equipped for the students’ comfort

Since pupils spend much of school day indoors, adequate lighting and fresh air should be provided in classrooms. In this study, most classrooms were adequately lit by natural light although a few had artificial lighting (electricity). It shows that...

Modern examples for The Seventh Circle of Hell

The Seventh Circle of Hell is split up into three major rings. The Outer Ring is where the murderers and others people who were violent towards other people and property are. This is where, tDante encounters Alexander the Great, Dionysius I of...

The use of the Hough Transform

The parabolic Hough transform controls the curvature, which is the peak of parabola and it is the angle of rotation relative to the xaxis. According to reference [6], in edge detection step, we take the partial derivatives with respect to the x axis...

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