
Steps to avoid virus attacks Essay

Steps to avoid virus attacks, 491 words essay example

Essay Topic:online,research,magazine,work

On July 28th the FBI released a Flash Alert on a new ransomware variant called Locky. This variant uses spam campaigns to distribute malicious files that download and execute code capable of encrypting files on the local pc and network file stores. These encrypted files rename your files with the extension (.locky). It doesn't just rename your files but it scrambles them first. The modern day ransom note isn't composed of glue letters clipped out of a magazine. In today's modern age criminals are unleashing attacks on your computer, phones, tablets and its data through a type of malicious software called ransomware.
We have all been frustrated with our computers when they run sluggishly due to a normal virus. Now imagine that this new breed of virus installs embarrassing pornography on your screen or encrypts your data so you can't read it. Ransomware attacks often use these tactics to demand you pay a ransom to remove the pornography or to regain access to your files. These decryption keys are bought from the crooks through the dark web via bitcoin. The FBI has seen cost for these keys anywhere from 0.5 bitcoin to 1 bitcoin. Currently 1 bitcoin sells for roughly $600. According to the FBI, criminals are netting an estimated $150 million a year through these scams.
So how does ransomware actually work? These programs begin very similarly to normal computer viruses, like scareware. You are tricked into clicking on an infected popup ad or you visit a website that has been infected by the virus. Once this happens, the criminals hold your electronics hostage until they extort the payment out of you.
As with other virus programs, you can avoid paying the ransom these criminals expect. IT experts advise taking these steps to avoid virus attacks or to protect yourself if you have already been the victim of a ransomware attack.
Use quality antivirus software and a strong firewall. Maintaining a reliable firewall and keeping your antivirus software up to date is the most critical step.
Back up your data often. If you back up files to either an external hard drive or to an online cloud service, you diminish the threat. If you back up your information, you should not be afraid to just turn off your computer and start over with a new install if you come under attack.
Make sure your popup blocker is enabled. Popups are the prime tactic used by the bad guys, so simply avoid even accidentally clicking on an infected popup. The buttons within a popup might have been reprogrammed by the criminals, so do NOT click on them.
Exercise caution. Don't click on links inside emails, and avoid suspicious websites. If your computer does come under attack, use another computer or internet capable device to research details about the type of attack. But be aware that the bad guys are devious enough to create fake sites, perhaps touting their own fake antivirus software or their de-encryption program.

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