
The benefit of written policies for therapists Essay

The benefit of written policies for therapists, 500 words essay example

Essay Topic:honesty,diagram,pain,work

Have clear written policies for the client, this will help if the clients expectations are unrealistic, clients need a sense of being heard and understood, express empathy and respond in a polite and professional manner, it is very important to ask the client what their goals are for treatment, it would not be professional to assume that you know what the client is looking for. clients look at the therapist as being educated in areas concerning their health and wellbeing, clients assume therapist can help with their health issues, this is not the case, therapist are not qualified to diagnose clients this can lead to conflicts and is ethically not correct, therapist will not promise to fix any problems or health issues nor how long it could be before client is likely to feel better from a massage treatment. Therapist are able to work longer on areas of need but is unable to clear any aches and pains .it is in the interest of the therapist and client that expectations and needs are explained well so the client is fully aware of what the therapist can and cannot do. The therapist can explain the treatment plan to meet there needs being forthright and realistic, client will appreciate honesty. Your consultation form is there for you to make clear to the client a treatment plan, this form is to help meet client's expectations, if the consultation form is not filled out correctly then the client will not have their needs met in a professional manner and your client will have expectations that the therapist is unable to meet. On your consultation form it would be important to ask questions about areas where the clients do not wish to be massaged, this allows the client to let you know what they are looking for. This will allow clients to feel more comfortable and help prevent situations which you might make assumptions or the client may feel uncomfortable, having a diagram of a body on your consultation form can also be helpful for the client so you can clarify the information this will help prevent unrealistic expectations. Explaining why you need to know certain information is for the purpose of the client and therapist. Therapist should not work on many conditions but should explain to clients why you are unable to do so, a recent trauma often requires medical attention before you are able to massage, if client is contraindicated it would be unethical and not meet client's needs. Explaining the treatment can be helpful for the client to understand that a massage therapist has parameters they must practice within referring client where necessary. Therapists need to explain to the client that they are unable to heal or take pain away, chronic conditions will need a long term process, therapists can explain that long term conditions or chronic conditions took years for your body to get the way it did, it may take a series of sessions to make a long term improvement

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