
Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome and patient with this disorder Essay

Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome and patient with this disorder, 498 words essay example

Essay Topic:disorder

Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome is a disorder which causes loss of memory as well as the inability to create new memories. This disorder is usually associated with endured alcohol abuse. One patient that has gone through this experience is a fifty-eight year old African American male (name not provided). The man had a blood alcohol level of 0.2 percent and a Glasgow coma scale (a scale to distinguish a person's level of consciousness) score of 9 (scale goes from 3-15) when he was found after dropping from a second-story balcony. In order for the preservation of the airway to be successful, the patient required intubation.
Following stabilization, a tomography or CT that was computed of the head was obtained which revealed a small right frontal subdural hematoma or a SDH. Luckily for the man, no neurosurgical intervention was needed since it had no mass effect. A psychiatrist was sent to diagnose the patient and check for any abnormalities with his memory and brain functioning. Though he had stated how he did not have hallucinations of any kind (neither auditory or visual) as well as having no signs of mood disturbance, delusions, or lethality, he did explain a few stories that he announced that had witnessed. Some of these include the death of Obama which he swore had happened as well as his trip to California that resulted that morning. Along with that issue, it was also presumed that the patient had echolalia (disorder in which a person repeats words uncontrollably) and palilalia (also a speech disorder similar to echolalia) since he was noted to have symptoms. The Confusion Assessment Method for delirium screening that he had gone through came back negative, the other tests he had taken including a mini- Mental State Examination and a physical test also justified the fact that he was not okay. After Following the examination of the patient's medical history, the doctors came to a conclusion that due to alcoholism, he gained many mental dilemmas. They started him on different medications that included oral thiamine 100mg and folate, having to take them on a daily basis.
With the help of an MRI scan (short for magnetic resonance imaging), the doctors were able to find a miniscule residual acute subarachnoid hemorrhage, which was located in his temporal occipital region in the right. Along with the hemorrhage, several hematomas (clotted blood in tissue) were discovered, each being of a different age. They were seen to be located in not only the right frontal occipital region, but also in the right temporal and left hemispheric regions of the brain as well. A nominal midline shift on the right that was 2.2 mm was also noticed along with volume loss and scarring from a disease known as microvascular disease (When someone has small vessels). The doctors soon started the patient on donepezil, adding to his list of medications, and was directed to take 5 milligrams every evening before going to slumber.
Throughout his stay, the male patient eventually displayed improvement at the hospital.

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