
Issues between parents and children: manipulation Essay

Issues between parents and children: manipulation, 495 words essay example

Essay Topic:children,parents

Preamble 1

When in The Course of human events, it becomes necessary for a child to leave the family with his or her parents, whom have brought them into the world. Parents could over manipulate their children, to which children would suffocate. As children must separate from their parents, children are also entitled to such rights of separation however, it is not only a right to separate, but to decently declare greed for separation when warranted by children.

Preamble 2

We. the children of the United States, get that, as teenagers, we have the right to certain unalienable rights, which includes life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The moment we enter into the world , we are given the right of respect, we are given the right to be equal, and we are given the right to be free. Although parents have the rights to speak in their childrens lives, it is wrong for them to manipulate and restraint every aspect of our lives. If our parents actions become unreasonably unbearable, it should be rightfully challenged and then shut down, for the benefit of the children. The history of our outrageous parents calls for independence from such overpowering power. To prove our arguments, let our facts be submitted.

List of Grievances

They do not respect my privacy by not knocking on doors first or asking questions that do not need answers.

They have been unfair with rules because they are always on a side that is not mine.

They have me frustrated with the thing things they say and do.

They have asked questions that I would not ask them.

They have not let me make my own mistakes because they are like a dictatorship.

They have embarrassed me when I had friends over they like to dance and sing to Hotline Bling by Drake, etc.

They have accused me of being sneaky and manipulative.

Preamble 3

When we try to explain to them our perspective or our side to avoid conflict, then they think we are being rude and disrespectful. I have tried to make a list of changes. I have compromised to meet in the middle. I have talked and explain my situation many times. I have agreed to disagree with your terms and opinions. I have told the truth instead of hide and lie. We have warned them over and over that we would leave them soon and declare our independence, but they still dont seem to pay attention.


I, therefore, Bailey Phengkeokaisone appealing to parents everywhere, do, in the Name, and by Authority of those who wish get over their rules, That those trapped in selfdoubt ,declare by and of Right that they be Free and Independent beings that we are Absolved from all allegiance to commit to live, and that every and all connections between them and I, is and ought to be totally dissolved and that as a Free and Independent person, I have full Power to choose to be happy.

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