
President Obama’s Impact on Federal Government Contractors Essay

President Obama’s Impact on Federal Government Contractors, 502 words essay example

Essay Topic:government,president,obama

If there's one industry that's been disproportionately impacted by President Obama's executive orders, it's federal government contractors. As the president tries to increase the minimum wage, ensure paycheck fairness and provide paid time off for American workers, President Obama is using his executive powers. Since becoming president, Obama has signed at least 15 executive orders and presidential memoranda aimed at contractors, dictating their hiring and firing practices, compensation policies and working conditions (Korte). The orders also require contractors to meet energy efficiency goals, prohibit human trafficking and other exploitative hiring practices, while banning texting while driving. Obamas executive orders claim to be using the government in different ways. With his executive orders, Obama is using the government's buying power not just to get a better deal for the taxpayer, but also to set economic and social policy on minimum wage, paid leave and paycheck fairness, issues the Republicancontrolled Congress has not acted on (Korte). This exemplifies how Obama is using Executive orders in order to solve one of the most controversial issues among the public. The president is trying to make life more sufficient for the middle class families by providing a better deal for the public in terms of tax and take action on situations the Congress has not. Although many Democrats think that the president is in favor for the middle class families, many Republicans disagree and believe the President may be changing the US constitution.

There are many different arguments in the debate over whether or not the Presidents executive authority is over preceding and many Republicans think that he is abusing the constitution in a way no other president has. During a Capitol Hill hearing over the issue on Obamas executive order on immigration, protesters interrupted the House Committee hearing several times. President Obama has just announced one of the biggest constitutional power grabs over by a president. He has declared unilaterally that by his own estimation, almost 5 million unlawful immigrants will be free from the legal consequences of their lawless actions, Rep. Bob Goodlatte said (Brody). The hearing was based on whether the president abused his constitutional authority in his executive order allowing many illegal people to stay in his country and not be deported. Congressional Republicans say that Obama has gone too far with his executive order on Immigration policies mainly because only Congress has the power to change federal immigration law. He changed the law. Presidents cannot change the law. You cant do so constitutionally, you cannot do so under Supreme Court precedent, and you cant change the law to comport with his preferred public policy (Brody). Along with the fight over whether Obama has changed the law and abused his privilege, the Republicans also claim that Obama has admitted himself that he has changed the law. Their view on the immigration policy reform has definitely been a huge part of this debate, however, the perspectives of both the Democratic and Republican views are what makes people confused about the issue.

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