
Systems that detect possibility of digital plagiarism Essay

Systems that detect possibility of digital plagiarism, 502 words essay example

Essay Topic:digital,plagiarism

Technology and plagiarism go hand in hand, whether it is used for or against. In the digital age where there over four billion pages on the internet, finding information on any topic is just the matter of few clicks. This has widened the copypaste culture in academic writing as well. Using the internet, it becomes easier to use someone else words and ideas. And without a proper citation, it becomes what is called as the digital plagiarism. At times it may be unintentional, however checking the credibility of one's works will definitely enhance the academic integrity. Doing it manually is practically impossible and it a tedious timeconsuming process.
Plagiarism detection software is a possible solution to restrict digital plagiarism. Theses software plays an important role in checking the authenticity of academic writing in a higher education research scenario. As in every softwares there is freeware (the free version) and shareware (the charged version). Some come as a standalone program that can be downloaded and used in the computer while mostly all others are online. These could be available through their websites of comes as an addon feature for LMS (Learning Management Systems like BlackBoard, Moodle etc)
TURNITIN is an online software system that has been used widely by reputed universities, colleges and schools in checking digital plagiarism. The advantage of this software is its enormous database which is updated continually by their own web crawler. Comparing with billions of web pages and millions of academic nonacademic articles it serves as the most popular detecting software. Though it comes with a subscription fee, it is still favored by over 15,000 organizations. SafeAssign within Blackboard is a similar system using which plagiarism can be detected. iThenticate is also another webbased plagiarism checker with a subscription fee.
Since each of them are provided by a fee and mostly through an institution, students or researchers need to look into other free options for plagiarism detection. VIPER is a downloadable software from scanmyessay.com. The plagiarism checker scans and detects from its 10 billion sources. The advantage of VIPER is that it is free of charge. Plagiarism Checker X is a trialware that allows you to use it for 14 days with certain restriction. It is similar to VIPER that allows you to download and install it in your computer. In addition, to these software systems, there are various online sites that allow checking the authenticity of your work. These websites use multiple search engines to check for content matching with the online resources, mostly it searches for similar words and sentences. Some of the commonly used online scanners, which allows you to either upload a file or copypaste the content is noplag.com, plagiarismsoftware.net, smallseotools.com. In certain scanners, it becomes mandatory for a free signup with limited features. Plagscan.com, paperrater.com, plagiarismcheck.org are a few of them. Furthermore, Paperrater.com gives you added features like grammar check, language, and style check.
Nevertheless, there isnt a full proof system that detects every possibility of digital plagiarism.

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