
Evaluation process of college freshmen upon admission to the university regarding their choice of an engi-neering course Essay

Evaluation process of college freshmen upon admission to the university regarding their choice of an engi-neering course, 488 words essay example

Essay Topic:choice,college,process,evaluation

Chapter One
The Cebu Institute of Technology University has a growing population of college students. A fraction of this population is a part of the College of Engineering and Architecture. The study will evaluate participants - currently freshmen students studying the offered engineering courses in the Uni-versity. The respondents will be students of the 8 engineering courses offered in the university - Chemical Engineering Department, Computer Engineering Department, Civil Engineering De-partment Electrical Engineering Department, Electronics and Communication Engineering De-partment, Industrial Engineering Department, Mechanical Engineering Department, and the Min-ing Engineering Department. With the selection of engineering degrees offered by Cebu Institute of Technology University (CIT-U), students are given the option to study their most favored engineering course.
This study, A Case Study on the Contributing Factors of CIT-U Freshmen Engineering Students in Deciding for a College Degree, intents to ascertain qualita-tively and quantitatively the significant factors that may affect a student's decision on what engi-neering course to pursue. Among these factors are the student's interests and skills, personal influences, and the market demand of their most preferred course. These may also include the family background of the student as well as the ideas acquired upon socialization with peers from school. Students are also influenced by many other external factors most especially the information dissemination of the general media.
The gathered data and the interpreted results may help in the new educational curriculum in improving and correcting the misconcep-tions of students about the engineering courses. This will also allow students to build connections and properly prepare for their college education. Also, the perception of incoming college freshmen about the variety of engineering majors may be changed and avoid the costly choice of transferring from a previous course to another. This research may improve the evaluation process of college freshmen upon admission to the university regarding their choice of an engi-neering course. Lastly, albeit this research specifically tackles to determine the underlying fac-tors in the decision making of freshmen engineering students, this could also help enhance the University's advertisement of the engineering courses and what way is to best influence incom-ing students to take the course suitable for them.
Statement of the Problem
Generally, research paper is about the most contributing factors for a college freshman to choose an engineering course among other course which are the student's skills, personal in-fluences, and the market demand of the course.
Specifically this study has these following subtopics
1. Engineering Courses in Cebu Institute of Technology
2. Market demand of the Chosen Course
3. Contributing factors
Research Methodology
This paper presents data taken from a survey conducted by the researchers in the Cebu Institute of Tech-nology University. A total of 50 respondents of the survey are freshmen students from the chemical engineering department, civil engineering department, computer engineering depart-ment, electrical engineering department, electronics engineering department, industrial engi-neering department, mechanical engineering department and mining engineering department. Also found in this paper are information from reliable sources that are cited in the references.

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